前回のエントリーに引き続き、HOPE DAY2の様子をまとめていきます。
Understanding Tor Onion Services and Their Use Cases
Keynote Address: Cory Doctorow
コリイ・ドクトロウ氏の講演でした。詳しい経歴は、コリイ・ドクトロウ - Wikipediaに任せますが、著作権やサイバー空間のSFを得意とした作家です。
Medical Devices: Pwnage and Honeypots
- 脆弱なパスワード
- 既知の脆弱性
- 暗号化
Bring the Noise: Ten Years of Obfuscation as Counter-Surveillance
It has been a decade now since the release of TrackMeNot, the first privacy tool to leverage obfuscation for counter-surveillance. In the interim, obfuscation has been actively developed, with new tools exploring its use for email (ScareMail), location-tracking (CacheCloak), advertising (AdNauseam), DNA analysis (Invisible), and beyond. This talk reviews the development of the strategy and considers some of the questions it raises for the tool-making community. Daniel will debut AdNauseam 2.0, the first cross-platform production release of AdNauseam, which aims at nothing less than ending advertising-based surveillance as we know it. Obfuscation can be defined as the strategy of using noise to hide one's true interests and/or confuse an adversary. As obfuscation is relatively flexible in its use, it holds unique promise as a strategy for DIY privacy and security. TrackMeNot was the first privacy tool to leverage obfuscation online, protecting web searchers from search engine profiling by hiding their queries in a cloud of generated noise. AdNauseam directs similar techniques at the advertising networks that track users across the web, polluting user profiles and subverting the economic system that drives this pervasive form of surveillance.
- Informed Consent in the Mozilla Browser:Implementing Value-Sensitive Design
- Quantifying Web-Search Privacy
Surveillance Countermeasures: Expressive Privacy via Obfuscation | a peer-reviewed journal about_
The Ownerless Library
このカンファレンスが自由について語られることが多いですが、その典型的なひとつでCersorship(検閲)に対抗できるCensorshiop Regilient Digital Libraryを提案している講演でした。これ、アイディアとしては非常に面白いです。検閲に対抗する手段としては、秘匿(Hide)もしくは複製(Replicate)があると定義していましたが、秘匿(Hide)をすると図書館としては不都合が多いため、ブロック・チェーンを利用した複製を提案していました。デモなども行われていており、コンセプトとしては非常に面白い話でした。ただ、これなら素人発想だと秘密分散技術を使っても同じことができるのではと思うのですが。